Monday, September 22, 2008

Lost. Carrots. Piggie Diapers. *Sigh*

Not a lot happened today, Kieran and a few of the other humans were out of the house for the afternoon, I don't know where they went.
Does nobody tell me anything anymore? *Sigh*

But anyway-
Earlier this evening, Kieran took my out of my cage and did the unthinkable-
She wrapped me up in what she calls a "Piggie Diaper"! I hate those blasted things! If only she knew that. Then she took me upstairs into Michelle's room and made me watch "Lost" with them. I don't really like that show. Too dramatic, if you ask me. I'm a simple phiggie, and I don't need all of that "Oh, how could you!" and "I can't believe I actually trusted you!"
But I did get some corn and carrots while I watched it, so it wasn't all that bad.

I had a conversation with The Birds when I got back to my house. Even though I can't stand The Birds, they are almost, slightly, kind of interesting to talk to. They like to call me "Pig". I told them that I do have a name, -See banner above- but they just laughed at me and started talking like pirates. I wonder why they call me Pig? I don't even think they have names. Or...maybe they do....but I only ever hear the humans call them "The Birds"'s what they are named...I suppose.

Oh! Kieran let me run around outback tonight. There were SO MANY STARS! It was very nice. The grass was wet, but the fresh air was wonderful.

'Tis all............................for now......

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day;
"Gravedigger" - Dave Matthews

1 comment:

About Sean Buvala said...


Start writing! I am starved for your phabuloous udpates of your phine liphe. Blog, piggle, blog!