Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jessyca and dancing pants.


Jessyca came over once again today. She made me sit on her lap while she and Kieran began the baby talk one again. *Sigh*
That gets on my nerves, I'll tell you that. And then, out of the blue- Jessyca suddenly has a pair of neon pink paper pants, no bigger than myself! She started making weird sounds - I think she was trying to mimic music?- and made the "pants" dance around my face and on my back! I tried to tolerate it for as long as I could, but I snapped and ripped the pants out of her hands and tossed them off of the couch! Ah ha! Victory! Then she - Jessyca - refused to let me sit on her shoulder! Can you believe her? But after a while I finally got to go back to my cosy Phigloo.

Kieran cleaned my cage yesterday and now it smells like!...peaches. No.... Coconut? Passion fruit? Whatever, one of those.

Oh my goodness! I must tell you something before I forget!
The other day, Kieran gave me some of the sweetest corn that I have ever had! It was like candy! was yummy. Corn is one of my favourite vegetables ever. Next to carrots.

I have been informed by The Birds (The parakeets that live with us) that Sean has flown away in a plane again. That must be why everyone was up so early this morning! They were up before the sun was even thinking about rising!

Oh, and sorry about forgetting to post yesterday. I didn't get a chance to get on the computer because my human family was on it alot.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day;
"Thriller" By Michael Jackson

1 comment:

About Sean Buvala said...

Yes, that sun nonrise was too early indeed. I thought my eyesite was phailing.