Saturday, November 15, 2008

Adventures in the backyard!

Because Michelle was out of the house today, Kieran had the job of watering the many(MANY) trees, bushes, and vegetables(yum..) that are in Michelle's garden. And I got to go out with her. First I sat in the grass sunbathing while she watered the plants on and around the porch, then she watered the trees and I ran around the yard. I was sooooo speedy! You should've seen me, in all my awesome speedy-ness!
Then we moved to the vegetable garden, my favorite part! Kieran had to keep pulling me away from the vegetables. Home grown vegetables are the best.

Except Cabbage. Even though cabbage is very tasty, it causes Guinea Pigs to get bloated and become very gassy. Which isn't pleasant for me. (OR Kieran!)
So I try to stay away from the Cabbage. No matter how tempting it looks and smells!

Back to my adventure!
We moved to another part of the yard after Kieran was done taking care of the plants, and she let me run around in the tall grass in the yard. She kept kneeling down next to me and singing "Eye of The Tiger"! Plus she kept singing random songs she made up. I think one of them was called "Speedy Piggie"......though slightly embarrassing, it was entertaining. Heh...phunny humans. After I was done running around in the grass, Kieran put me on the swinging bench outside and sat next to me for a while. It's quite relaxing, that swinging bench. Plus, I get alot of sun sitting there. And I absolutely love sitting in the sun.

After that, Kieran took me onto the porch so I could run around on the concrete and file my nails down a bit.
Then we went inside and Kieran gave me some veggies, which might have been the best part of the day!

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day
"Calling You" - Blue October

1 comment:

About Sean Buvala said...

So good to phinally see phurther adventures phrom you.