Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My phavorite phabulous Phiggle phoods.

Hello once again, dear phollowers!
I've decided for your entertainment/informational pleasure, I shall post a list of my phavorite phoods!

We shall start with....

  • Carrots: Kieran usually gives me one or two baby carrots, or a handful of slices from a normal-sized carrot.
  • Phresh grass: Yes, you heard right! Phresh grass is a really good phood for us piggies! Alot of times when Kieran takes me outside, I help myself to some grass. It's really good. Although, Kieran knows not to pheed me any grass that was cut by a lawnmower. And she also always remembers to not give me any grass that was/is treated with pesticides. Yuck!
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers don't have much nutritional value, but they do have a higher water content and are a really good treat for me(and all piggies!) when it gets hot outside. I guess phor humans, it would be like a Popsicle. :)
  • Apples: I love apples! Kieran leaves the peel on, and makes sure that I don't eat any of the core. Apples are kind of like piggie candy, because-as most phruits do-, apples have natural sugar in them. So that is why when I do get apples, Kieran only gives me one or two slices.
  • Seedless grapes: My phavorite kind of grapes are the green ones, but the purple grapes are yummy, too! Grapes are kind of just a side-dish when I get my phood, so usually I just get one or two small ones. And Kieran only gives me seedless grapes. That's very important.
  • Corn: Corn is really good, and I like it either on the cob, or separated. Kieran just told me that she wants to buy me some of the big, whole corn cobs for two reasons. One- Because I love corn! And two- Because Guinea Pigs can also eat the leaves off of the corn cobs!
  • Celery: When Kieran gives me celery, she usually gives me half of a stick, cut up into small pieces. Why small pieces? Because celery is very stringy, and so by cutting it up into small pieces, it helps avoid any risk of choking.
  • Oranges: Oranges are one of my most phavorite phoods, they are high in vitamin C, which is what piggies like myself need most.
  • Green beans: And last but not least, the green beans. Kieran never gives me any of the canned green beans, but only the phresh ones. One or two at a time.

There you have it! Those are my top most phavorite phoods!

Hmmm...I guess it wouldn't hurt to add a list of phoods that piggies shouldn't eat, just so if any of you have a Piggie and want to make sure you're not pheeding him/her anything you shouldn't be.

  • Iceburg lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Raw beans
  • Nuts or seeds
  • Rhubarb
  • NEVER chocolate
  • Dairy products- i.e Cheese, ice cream, etc
  • Things like cookies or bread (Aww, no cookies for me?)
  • Any type of packaged/store bought pet phood besides Guinea Pig phood
  • Popcorn/dried corn kernels
  • Very sugary phoods
  • Any phried phoods
  • And just for the record- NEVER chocolate.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Human" - The Killers

1 comment:

About Sean Buvala said...

I enjoy pheeding carrots to you in the morning when no one is looking.