Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Stand back, I may just up-chuck.

Why, you ask? I shall tell you.
Because today while Kieran was cleaning out my house, Kelsey had me sit on the bench/swing-ish type thing next to her. That thing goes PHAST. Kelsey kept swinging it back and phorth, back and phorth, back and- Well, you get the point. My little phiggy stomach could barely take it. Thankfully, Kieran came over and sat down next to us and told Kelsey to stop swinging. So she did. Phew....

Jessyca and Jenna came over for a visit once again today. I think I'm getting used to Jessyca. She's still my mortal enemy, though. ;D

*Sigh* I think The Birds are talking about me again. Even as I am sitting at the computer at this very moment, I can hear them whispering. I can barely make out the words "Pig" and "Weirdo".....yeah....they're talking about me. I should go back to my house and eavesdrop on them now. Muah ha ha.

Hmmm....This post is painfully short, is it not? Oh well, I don't have much time. I still love you all, though!

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day-
"Shattered(Turn the car around)" - O.A.R


About Sean Buvala said...

Aw, phiggle, how phantastice to hear of your back and phorth adventures on the swing with your phamily. Always a pleasure to read of your adventures. Do write to us more phrequently, even small posts are worth phinding.

E said...

Hey, Phin, perhaps we can do a little photo shoot this weekend??
I still feel, er I mean PHEEL bad about deleting your pics from my camera bephore I knew you wanted them. I mean bephore I knew Kieran wanted them.

E said...

Argh! I want to be one of your phollowers but I can't phigure out how. I can't phind the phollow button.