Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Easter Rabbi- er. . .Pig!

Kieran phinally decided to take me to the park on Friday for her homeschool group's Easter party. She said that I would be the "Easter Pig." Sadly, I didn't get to hide any eggs like Kieran did, but I still had a good time! Bephore we left, I had to have bath....ew....

Alot of the kids at the park wanted to pet me and pheed me carrots! I have no problem with that! There was one little boy who didn't want to leave me! He was adorable. I'm glad that none of Kieran's phriends phreaked out and said "Eeek, a rodent!" when they saw me. That would have been embarrassing. But it seems like all the people there are pretty down with the idea of having a rodent. Not that I am one, of course. But that's what people think when they see me. Everyone was snuggling with me, and at one point I almost phell asleep in someone's arms. Of course, that made Kieran just totally have a girly-squeal moment. She got asked alot if I actually WAS a rabbit. Heehee. Silly people. After the party, Kieran and Michelle packed up their stuff and we went to pick up Katie phrom work. Katie waited in the car with me while Kieran and Michelle went to buy some groceries. I phell asleep in my little Piggie-Carier.

Even though I had phun, it's good to be back home in my Phigloo.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Someday" - Nickelback

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