Friday, November 28, 2008


So today Kieran gave me a bath with the help of Michelle.

I tell you one thing- Baths are not my phavorite thing. I am not a phan of water in general, so you can see my problem with having a bath.

After they phinished bathing me, Kieran wrapped me up in a towel and dried me off. Then I got to go back to my house.

The only upside to this little "adventure" was that I got a lot of yummy veggies afterwords. And I smell better, too. :D

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm thankful phor...

I'm thankful phor my wonderful Human phamily.

I'm thankful phor carrots.

I'm thankful phor my blog.

I'm thankful phor the swingy-bench outside.

I'm thankful phor every time Sean pheeds me carrots.

I'm thankful phor the times when Kieran takes me outside and let's me run around in the grass while singing "Eye of The Tiger".

I'm thankful phor The Birds, even if they do call me Stupid sometimes.

I'm thankful phor my home, and my green plastic Phigloo.

I'm thankful phor empty 12-pack soda can boxes, which are perfect for hiding and playing in.

And I'm very thankful phor you, my lovely phollowers.

Now you know what I'm thankful phor.
So leave me a comment and tell me what YOU are thankful phor!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"You Found Me" - The Fray

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My new blog!

Hello, dear phollowers!

I have started a new blog that will be about how to take care of your pet Guinea Pig! I will continue to post on this blog, don't worry. ;)

You can view my new blog at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My phavorite phabulous Phiggle phoods.

Hello once again, dear phollowers!
I've decided for your entertainment/informational pleasure, I shall post a list of my phavorite phoods!

We shall start with....

  • Carrots: Kieran usually gives me one or two baby carrots, or a handful of slices from a normal-sized carrot.
  • Phresh grass: Yes, you heard right! Phresh grass is a really good phood for us piggies! Alot of times when Kieran takes me outside, I help myself to some grass. It's really good. Although, Kieran knows not to pheed me any grass that was cut by a lawnmower. And she also always remembers to not give me any grass that was/is treated with pesticides. Yuck!
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers don't have much nutritional value, but they do have a higher water content and are a really good treat for me(and all piggies!) when it gets hot outside. I guess phor humans, it would be like a Popsicle. :)
  • Apples: I love apples! Kieran leaves the peel on, and makes sure that I don't eat any of the core. Apples are kind of like piggie candy, because-as most phruits do-, apples have natural sugar in them. So that is why when I do get apples, Kieran only gives me one or two slices.
  • Seedless grapes: My phavorite kind of grapes are the green ones, but the purple grapes are yummy, too! Grapes are kind of just a side-dish when I get my phood, so usually I just get one or two small ones. And Kieran only gives me seedless grapes. That's very important.
  • Corn: Corn is really good, and I like it either on the cob, or separated. Kieran just told me that she wants to buy me some of the big, whole corn cobs for two reasons. One- Because I love corn! And two- Because Guinea Pigs can also eat the leaves off of the corn cobs!
  • Celery: When Kieran gives me celery, she usually gives me half of a stick, cut up into small pieces. Why small pieces? Because celery is very stringy, and so by cutting it up into small pieces, it helps avoid any risk of choking.
  • Oranges: Oranges are one of my most phavorite phoods, they are high in vitamin C, which is what piggies like myself need most.
  • Green beans: And last but not least, the green beans. Kieran never gives me any of the canned green beans, but only the phresh ones. One or two at a time.

There you have it! Those are my top most phavorite phoods!

Hmmm...I guess it wouldn't hurt to add a list of phoods that piggies shouldn't eat, just so if any of you have a Piggie and want to make sure you're not pheeding him/her anything you shouldn't be.

  • Iceburg lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Raw beans
  • Nuts or seeds
  • Rhubarb
  • NEVER chocolate
  • Dairy products- i.e Cheese, ice cream, etc
  • Things like cookies or bread (Aww, no cookies for me?)
  • Any type of packaged/store bought pet phood besides Guinea Pig phood
  • Popcorn/dried corn kernels
  • Very sugary phoods
  • Any phried phoods
  • And just for the record- NEVER chocolate.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Human" - The Killers

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gadzooks! Grasshoppers!

Oh. My. Gosh.

Why do Grasshoppers have to come in such large sizes?
And why, I ask you, must they HOP? Specifically in phront of me!

I am not a phan of bugs, insects or any kind of creature in that category. My Human phamily isn't very bothered by them, but think about it- Grasshoppers are teensy compared to the Humans, but they are rather large compared to me!

Now, at this point of this post, you may be asking yourself; "Why oh why, is Phineas ranting about Grasshoppers?"

I'll tell you why-

Because one was IN my house!

Here's how it all went down-

Earlier tonight, I was simply minding my own buisness and sitting inside my Phigloo, when suddenly, I heard a noise. So I wandered out of my Phigloo and looked around, when there, right in phront of me, was the biggest Grasshopper I had ever seen!

It was popping around my cage like it owned the place! I was worried that it would make a mess of my wonderful house!

Phinally, Kieran came over and saw the Grasshopper. This is what she said;


I kid you not, dear phollowers. So then she dissapeared and returned only moments later with a piece of bright pink paper. She then began trying to scoop the Grasshopper out of my cage. I think I heard her laughing at some point. That wasn't phunny! I usually am a very brave Phig, but that Grasshopper was HUGE! So I quickly retreated to the green-plastic safety of my Phigloo.

I watched as Kieran tried and phailed many times to get the Grasshopper out of my house, before she phinally managed to scoop it up on the paper and put it outback.

What a relief!

But I'll tell you this, dear phollowers-

Grasshoppers are not meant to hop inside a Guinea Pig house! I should have a sign on my wall that says "Private property! No Grasshoppers allowed!"

But at least THAT ordeal is over.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Feeling Good" - Muse

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mysterious Guinea Pig

I just love being mysterious. Don't you?

Adventures in the backyard!

Because Michelle was out of the house today, Kieran had the job of watering the many(MANY) trees, bushes, and vegetables(yum..) that are in Michelle's garden. And I got to go out with her. First I sat in the grass sunbathing while she watered the plants on and around the porch, then she watered the trees and I ran around the yard. I was sooooo speedy! You should've seen me, in all my awesome speedy-ness!
Then we moved to the vegetable garden, my favorite part! Kieran had to keep pulling me away from the vegetables. Home grown vegetables are the best.

Except Cabbage. Even though cabbage is very tasty, it causes Guinea Pigs to get bloated and become very gassy. Which isn't pleasant for me. (OR Kieran!)
So I try to stay away from the Cabbage. No matter how tempting it looks and smells!

Back to my adventure!
We moved to another part of the yard after Kieran was done taking care of the plants, and she let me run around in the tall grass in the yard. She kept kneeling down next to me and singing "Eye of The Tiger"! Plus she kept singing random songs she made up. I think one of them was called "Speedy Piggie"......though slightly embarrassing, it was entertaining. Heh...phunny humans. After I was done running around in the grass, Kieran put me on the swinging bench outside and sat next to me for a while. It's quite relaxing, that swinging bench. Plus, I get alot of sun sitting there. And I absolutely love sitting in the sun.

After that, Kieran took me onto the porch so I could run around on the concrete and file my nails down a bit.
Then we went inside and Kieran gave me some veggies, which might have been the best part of the day!

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day
"Calling You" - Blue October