Oh. My. Gosh.
Why do Grasshoppers have to come in such large sizes?
And why, I ask you, must they HOP? Specifically in phront of me!
I am not a phan of bugs, insects or any kind of creature in that category. My Human phamily isn't very bothered by them, but think about it- Grasshoppers are teensy compared to the Humans, but they are rather large compared to me!
Now, at this point of this post, you may be asking yourself; "Why oh why, is Phineas ranting about
I'll tell you why-
Because one was IN my house!
Here's how it all went down-
Earlier tonight, I was simply minding my own buisness and sitting inside my Phigloo, when suddenly, I heard a noise. So I wandered out of my Phigloo and looked around, when there, right in phront of me, was the biggest Grasshopper I had ever seen!
It was popping around my cage like it owned the place! I was worried that it would make a mess of my wonderful house!
Phinally, Kieran came over and saw the Grasshopper. This is what she said;
I kid you not, dear phollowers. So then she dissapeared and returned only moments later with a piece of bright pink paper. She then began trying to scoop the Grasshopper out of my cage. I think I heard her laughing at some point. That wasn't phunny! I usually am a very brave Phig, but that Grasshopper was HUGE! So I quickly retreated to the green-plastic safety of my Phigloo.
I watched as Kieran tried and phailed many times to get the Grasshopper out of my house, before she phinally managed to scoop it up on the paper and put it outback.
What a relief!
But I'll tell you this, dear phollowers-
Grasshoppers are not meant to hop inside a Guinea Pig house! I should have a sign on my wall that says "Private property! No Grasshoppers allowed!"
But at least THAT ordeal is over.
Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Feeling Good" - Muse