Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some sad news...

Hello everyone, this is Phineas' human/owner, Kieran. I am sad to say that this is likely the last post that will ever be on Phineas' blog.
Yesterday, May 26th, Phineas passed away.
He did not pass from old age, as he was only 2-and-a-half years old. Unfortunately, Phineas suffered from heatstroke. We rushed him to the vet's office, but there wasn't much that they could do.

We brought Phineas home so that he could be with his family in what we knew would be his last moments here with us. I held him and talked to him, and Jessyca, who loves Phineas so much, came over to say goodbye.
He passed away in my arms in the late afternoon.

It is truly tragic that he had to die at such a young age, and I can't express how sad and broken-hearted I am right now. I miss him so much and will never stop missing him or thinking about him.

Later today, Phineas will be buried in a special spot in our rose garden- a spot that he truly loved to be in.

Phineas and I have had such a great time with his blog during the time he was here. It has given me many great memories.

Thank you for your support,


Rest in peace, my Phinny pig. (02-11-08 - 05-26-10)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hi! Quick update!

About a week or so ago, the humans noticed that I had a swollen right hind phoot, and I of course already knew that, and was waiting for them to notice. It was probably swollen phrom a cut that got infected. Ever since then, they have been soaking my phoot in warm water with Epsom salt, I believe. I quite like it, it pheels nice... :) And they have also been wrapping my phoot in bandages. So phar the swelling has gone down quite a bit, but I'm still very skeptical about it, and I don't like to walk on it yet. I do, though, hobble around a bit when I need some phood or water. Luckily, I probably won't have to go to the vet as long as I keep making progress.

That's all for now!
