Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

Ah, dear phollowers.

It's quite obvious that I haven't posted in a little while. Well, actually....a long while. *Heheh..*

But I do have a legitimit reason.

My human phamily has been having some troubles with their computer, so I haven't been able to log on.

I know, it was torture for me, too.

So let's see....
Phirst of all;

I hope you all had a great holiday season and a happy new year!

Now, let's get down to buisness!

Update time!

I've been doing really well since I last posted.
I got my nails trimmed, ate lots of vegetables, and ran around outside alot. I also had several baths, but hey, lets not talk about the negative, shall we? My human phamily is doing good, also. As well as the other animals in the house. Yes, even The Birds. Kieran has been taking lots of pictures of me lately, so I will try and get some of those up ASAP. Jessyca has been visiting alot as of late, and I think that I like her a little bit more now. But she's still-and always will be- my mortal enemy.

Here is some exciting news-
My birthday* is coming up soon! Phebuary 10th, to be exact. I've never had a birthday before, so I am really excited! Almost every day now, Kieran walks by my house and says, "Phinny! Your birthday is on the way! And we're gonna paaartaaay!".
I think she might be even more excited than me....(haha)

*It is important that you know that I use the term 'birthday' here loosely, as it's not technically my birthday, but more like the anniversary of the day that Kieran adopted me.

As 2008 ends and 2009 begins, I would like to take the time to remember someone.
Emo was Kieran's first Guinea Pig, and he passed away back in 2007. I never met Emo, but from what the humans say about him, I can tell he was a wonderphul Guinea Pig, and that he is still dearly missed to this day. Rest in peace phorever, fellow Guinea.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Phineas' Song Pick Of The Day:
"Runaway" - Avril Lavigne